Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week 2021

Next week we will be participating in Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week. In preparation of this we want to hear from YOU!
If you're a women or girl involved in motorcycle sport, get in touch...we want to talk to riders, coaches, volunteers, officials and parents.
The key messages around the theme of the week are:
1. We understand the importance of sport and physical activity for women and girls in Scotland and the positive impact that has on their physical, mental and social health across all stages in life, from early years, teenage years, through adulthood and on to later life stages.
2. Being physically active and taking part in sport has many benefits for women and girls through building new friendships and relationships which help to reduce isolation and loneliness for women and girls in Scotland.
3. We want to celebrate women and girls in sport through increasing visibility and
role models, in particular recognising how women and girls have remained
physically active during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Full info can be found here